Erin Fike
Admin Assistant / Graphic Designer
Erin was five years old when she understood that she was a sinful person who needed a Savior, and decided to follow Christ.
She graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Graphic Design and worked for the university’s marketing department for several years before moving back to Maryland and working as a Senior UX Designer for a local web development company.
While in the corporate world, she began praying for the opportunity to use her skills in a ministry capacity. After eight years of prayer and searching, she was offered a position at Cornerstone Baptist Church, her home church. She is excited to be able to use her gifts to further the ministry and effectiveness of the local church.
She lives with her husband Harry and their three children: Evelyn, Graham and Miles. Erin enjoys knitting, running, keeping her plants alive, and spending time outdoors. She also serves as a youth leader with Legacy Student Ministries.