Sunday School Classes

Sunday School classes are opportunities to connect in smaller groups to pray, build community, delve into more advanced topics, and encourage ongoing spiritual growth. Classes are held during the school year (Sep - May) at 9:30 am.

Nursery | Children | Teens | Young Adult | Ladies | Men | All Adults


2s & 3s: Classroom #12
4s & 5s: Classroom #10
Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Classroom #7 
2nd & 3rd Grades: Classroom #4
4th - 6th Grade Girls: Classroom #5
4th-6th Grade Boys: Classroom #6


Pastor Adam Ansel, Legacy Room

Teens will begin a study of the book of Acts: To the Ends of the Earth!

Young Adult

Pastor Alex Eichhorn, Young Adult Room

Young Adults age 18-29 are invited to join us for Cornerstone Connect’s Sunday School class. We will be discussing several different topics throughout the year.


Encouraging Words for Discouraging Times

Barb Hockman, Room 17

Our society is turning further and further away from God. And we end up wondering where God is in all that is happening on our planet and in our own lives. But when the headlines are filled with bad news and the circumstances of life feel overwhelming, God is still in control. We never know what each day will hold. But we know the One who holds each day. Our Father will walk with us through any adversity or worry, giving us joy and victory. And we through the promises we find in His Word, we can discover encouragement. Not just encouragement that will last until the next tragedy strikes our family or world but encouragement that will carry us through each difficult and discouraging moment we face.


Maureen Swogger & Denise Jolley, Room 16

If you’re longing for a deeper connection with God, you must first answer His call to holiness. Here, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares practical principles for having a life that is set apart - and a heart that is set on fire.


Men’s Discussion Class

John Kirby, Room 14

For the first half of the quarter we’ll be studying God’s Kind of Righteousness (Matthew 5:17-48). During the second half, we’ll discuss which Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by the birth of Jesus.

All Adults

I John: Living Truth in a World that Doesn’t

Pastor Hattenfield, Fellowship Hall

John writes this epistle to warn believers about the philosophy and doctrines of the world, and to assure them of the truths of God’s Word and confirm them in their faith.


Pastor McGrew, Room 18

The only true authority on humility is Jesus Christ. He emptied himself, taking on the form of a servant, and then humbled himself, taking on our sins and dying on the cross for us. When He calls us to followHim and endeavors to make us like Him, essential steps He leads us to take include slaying the sin of pride and nurturing the grace of humility. God provides a promise of encouragement in the Prophet Isaiah, “this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” We will walk through the Old and New Testaments, learning from examples of both pride and humility there to lead us before the gaze and favor of our humble Lord and King.

Person of Interest

Marty Crump, Institute Room

Imagine investigating a murder in which there was no crime scene, no physical evidence, and no victim's body. How would you identify a person of interest in such a case?

Can the historicity of Jesus be investigated in the same way? Can the truth about Jesus be uncovered even without a body or a crime scene? In Person of Interest, Wallace describes his own personal investigative journey from atheism to Christianity, as he employs a unique investigative strategy to confirm the historicity and deity of Jesus--without relying on the New Testament manuscripts.

Concrete, compelling, and unique in its approach, Person of Interest will strengthen the faith of believers, while engaging those who are skeptical and distrusting of the New Testament.

Topic TBD

Stephen Bucy, SS Classroom 2